Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Holden Caulfield can bite my butt!

I HATED "Catcher in the Rye"! I had to read this book in my Senior English class back in 1993, and I still haven't recovered. It doesn't suprise me in the least that this book is favorite book of most seriel killers, you have to be crazy to love it.

Yes, I know some of you are crazy, my apologies if you are offended. Don't worry it's just my opinion, and I am crazy too.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

My life would be a Tearjerker Comedy or Dramedy as someone else put it.

My life would be like one of those funny drama's that make you cry like Forrest Gump. I remember seeing that movie the first time and crying from the moment that the first snotty kid said, "Ya can't sit heeere!" till the end...

That's what my life is like; it is full of tragic, funny, unexpected moments shared with the same few people that cycle through my life over and over again. I guess it's like that for all of us.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

What a beautiful smile you have...

Two nights ago we went to see the midnight showing of Transformers, my daughter brought along a new boy she has been hanging out with; which was crazy on her part since she had about 13 embarrassing relatives along... including me. I was sitting at the table putting my credit card away when I turned to boy and said, "Do you wanna see a picture of Celia when she was a braceface?" He replied yes with a smile, a shiny braceface smile:) I just laughed and said, "Oh, I didn't notice you had braces." :)

Did I recover? You tell me:)

Saturday, June 20, 2009

My top three lessons for my child(ren)

This is such a weighty question I almost didn't want to answer it. It is the kind of question that will never have a complete answer... but here is a start... at least for where I am today.

Respect Yourself
I have only one child. A beautiful teenage girl, and I can't think of a lesson that I try to teach her more than this one. I look at all the young girls around me, her friends, her cousins, and I see this one lesson violated repeatedly, without any real sense of the damage they do to themselves. I later see these same girls devasted by how they have been treated and used.

The truth is people will treat you exactly as you expect to be treated. So when you treat yourself like a cheap toy, the world will embrace that message and use you like one. I could go on and on on this subject but I won't. I just wanted to say one more time that if we expect to be treated with respect, and treat ourselves with respect, the world will as well. The other side of this lesson of course is that a person that respects themselves also treats others with respect. So it's a 2 for 1:)

Never compromise your core self
It is important for all us to know what is most important to us. We all have that one thing that defines who we want to be, and who we don't want to be. Never compromise that one thing. Life is full of compromises; some small, and some large. But that one thing, whatever it is for you. Never compromise that. Because you will give up, you will lose the battle and you will lose yourself. This is kind of an extention of lesson one.

God's plan for you, is better than any plan you could have made for yourself.
This is the biggest, most important lesson I wish that I could pass on to my daughter. It is also the hardest, and the one that I know to be right... but I can't seem to surrender to it.

We all have our struggles and surrendering my will to God, and embracing his plan for me is the hardest. It is something I struggle with everyday, and I have no doubt that my daughter will struggle with it too. I wish I could show her by example what a life surrendered to God looks like, but I am still wrestling with that, I hope that one day I get there, and I hope she does too. There is a verse I love that says..."I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord. They are plans for Peace and not distaster plans to give you a future filled with hope. Jer 29:11"

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Ipod with a Plugin Charger will go in my time capsule

A time capsule should contain some information on the larger world ... so I would try to include some information that effected the whole world as well as some that represents my views specifically...

Ipod with a Plugin Charger
First, I would record a voice file that explained each item in the time capsule. Then I would load it up with video and audio files that reflect on state of the world today. They would include opposing viewpoints on major issues. Video footage of the events that were signifgant to this generation like September 11th and Barak O'bama becoming president (in my opinion not a good thing) I would show them the peoples response to these events incase history records it wrong, or with only one viewpoint. I would load this up with all the music that is currently poplular in almost every genre. I would include audio versions of all the books that are on the New York Times Best Sellers list; so that they could see what we were entertained by. I would include some sermons on End Times Prophecy and some commentarys on how they might look when they come to pass...

Thomas Nelson Study Bible with Bible on CD
Just in case the bible has become outlawed by the time this time capsule is opened. I would include a study bible so that they can examine the Word of God.

Map of the World Today & an example of the currency for each Country
This would be to show exactly what countries existed and what their borders were. To show the diversity of cultures and peoples as they are now. I would include an example of the currency for each country as well as a report on current exchange rates. It would show also how much has changed in the world politically in the last 40 years.

Copy of the Endangered Speicies List
So that they can determine if all of those animals are still here in 40 years.

Scientific Journals for the lastest discoveries
This is to show how far Science has advanced in the last 40 years as well as possible show the result of people trying to play God. By then we are likely to know some of the consequences of genetic engineering.

Picture of me and my family, and some magazines
Just so they could associate this information with real people and see what we all looked like. I would include the magazines to give them a view on what we thought was beautiful and stylish... so they can laugh at us;)

Hello, my name is ... Morning Glory

I have an aunt that calls me Morning Glory. The story behind this name is that when I was a little girl I once told her I wanted my name to be Bonnie Flower. Now you might be imagining that I was a delicate cute little girl with ribbons in my hair, wearing frilly dresses, with lace ankle socks. You would be wrong.

I was a little girl with a perpetually runny nose, and scabs on my hands, knees, and any other visible surface. I was loud and I snorted when I laughed. (Lovely I know) My hair was a mess and probably sticking to my face, and I knew how to fight. I spent most of my childhood at my "mean nana" Esther's house where my playments were my older uncles. This mean I got personal fitness training, and fighting lessons. They never played Barbies with me.

I'm guessing I wanted to be named Bonnie Flower because some part of me just wanted to be a pretty little girl. I knew girls were supposed to be made of sugar and spice and everything nice, and to be cute and sweet and shy. Basically everything I wasn't. I was made of mostly dirt, blood and stubborness. You had to be to survive that house. The only thing I was every shy about was showing my tears. Weakness was just unacceptable.

So in a perfect world I would be named Bonnie Flower, or even Morning Glory. But I never did become sugar and spice and everything nice. I am still made of mostly of dirt, blood, and stubborness.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Sounds Sweet to me...

Response to ... What Words do you Love!

Sadly, when I first read this question the only words that immediately sprang to mind were different kinds of foods. I do love to eat:) So I had to dig deep to also find a non food related word for you.

I do have to start with sushi though, because it was my first thought:) but it is not my favorite!

This is the only word that when it's uttered in my family sparks an immediate and very enthusiastic response. That response is usually people checking for the credit cards and searching for their keys.

I was the first sushi addict in my family, and like all addicts I spread my disease. I began taking family members one by one and introducing them to sushi. I started them young, my daughter because an addict when she was just six years old, my brothers at the ages of 11 and 15. My master plan was to create sushi monsters while they were still young so that they could keep me in sushi eating bliss in my old age. So far it hasn't worked out but I still have hope for the future. I do get free sushi on my birthday so there are encouraging signs. We all love sushi so much that we only eat sushi at all you can eat Sushi restaurants; there is no other way we could support our habit. If the sushi is planned in advance we all fast all day, once we arrive we drink only water so as not to get full on beverages, and then we order. Typically this means 2 to 3 large boats depending on how many of us there are, and that is just the first round. Now I know some of you are thinking, "Ewwww! that's raw fish!," that was my first reaction too. But I will tell you what I tell all my friends, you have to try sushi twice... you will love it the second time, I promise. Let's start a chant...Sushi! Sushi! Sushi!

Grace: the undeserved favor of God. What a beautiful word! The concept of Grace was difficult for me to grasp at first; I didn't have a frame of reference for it. I have never given anyone any kind of undeserved favor. Then I became a mom and I understood... the closest comparison I can give for it is the unconditional love you have for your children the minute they are born, they have done nothing to deserve your love and care but you give it freely anyway, it just pours out of you. That is how God loves us, plus a billion times more. The love we have for our children is special and beautiful but it can not bring salvation; but God's Grace, when accepted, brings salvation... Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound, that saved a wretch like me...

Ay Ay Ay!

This past weekend I went with my cousins to see my uncle play at the casino. We were a relativly small group but we make a lot of noise. The fun part of course is singing along if you know the words, and making up your own if you don't. If you have never seen a bunch of drunken mexicans singing you are missing out. For those of you that have been sadly deprived of this very special experience you can check it out on youtube... here's the link

Yeah that's me Woooooing at the end;) we call that a Grieto;)

Friday, June 5, 2009

'Volver Volver' must be played at any good wedding... he is El Rey! The King hasn't died!

No wedding is complete without a drunken chorus to end the night... well at least not in my family...

Volver Volver by Vicente Fernandez

This song... is usually one of the last songs of the night, often the last. It is required because all the drunk people want to cry. I mean weddings are very emotional events, and we Mexicans, we are emotional people. We all have the common bond if having our hearts broken and wanting to return to someone's arms! Plus if all the men leave crying, there won't be any fights;)

Electric Slide by Various Artists

Even though this song is overdone, it still gets everybody out on the floor. It's a good song when the dance floor is getting empty, if you follow it with a couple of good songs people will keep dancing. Come on now, you all know you run out there when this song starts;)

Always & Forever by Heatwave

This song is all about that innocent love that doesn't know any better. So it fits:) Haha, I just like this song, and I hear it at most weddings.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Is it Better to have Loved and Lost, or never to have Loved at all?

So What did you Lose?

Some people love and lose the one they love; to death, relocation, or other circumstances that are outside of the control of themselves or even the other person. In those cases it is usually better to have loved and loss; because for a short time they knew love and happiness. They leave that situation with a broken heart, but in time the pain will ease and they will remember that time fondly.

Sometimes you love and lose your self respect, your values, you compromise your core self, and you lose your sense of self preservation. Sometimes you beg, plead, and humiliate yourself beyond anything you could have imagined. In those cases it would have been better to never have loved at all, at least for some of us.

I have loved only once, he was my best friend, and later lover. We had known eachother since we were 11 and had been friends since then. We became a couple for three short months when I was 21... (13 years ago) and had some confusing encounters again when I was 28 (6 years ago) and I have never recovered. I still can't figure out what catagory I fall into.

There are moments in our relationship that cause me such humiliation that I hate him for witnessing them, I remember them and ask myself why do I still talk to him? I have asked him this question as well, and he says he doesn't know either. But there are other moments that when I think of them my heart still skips a half of beat.

Do I love him still? Yes of course I do, he is one of my oldest and best friends. He is funny and smart, and we get eachother. The tragedy of me and Joey is that we never figured it out. But I have come to accept that I am stuck with him for better or for worse. In part because he never leaves me alone, even when I have asked him too. Secondly, because the one time he honored my wishes I fell apart. So, we will always be friends we have survived so much.

Is it the same? No, it's not I guard my heart now. I know how easy it is for me to fall in love with him, and so I pull away if I need to. He knows this, he can see right threw me. I told him once when he was suffering from his own heartbreak that sometimes I didnt' want to be there for him. He said, "I know, but when it matters, you always are." So that's us.

Was it better to have loved and lost? I guess so, if that's the only romantic love I will ever know. My heart is whole, but I wonder if I had not loved him, maybe I wouldn't have waited so long, maybe I would have had another love, I'll never know.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

My childhood arch enemy

Mrs. Hovagian, my fifth grade teacher.

I often joke that if Mrs. Hovagian were to cross the street in front of my car with a walker I would run her ass over. I would slow down just enough to watch her roll over my hood in slow motion; you know to fully appreciate the moment. That said, I learned alot from her, I still know most of my states and capitals, and my spelling is okay, plus she taught me that even adults can be petty. Everything you want in a teacher right?

Let me paint you a picture, I remember her vividly. Mrs. Hovagian was an older woman (I would say late fifties), she was probably in her last five years of teaching when I had the misfortune of being her student. She wore limegreen polyester pantsuits and always had her nails painted hot pink. She had a 8 inch beehive, and had probably been an attractive woman when she was younger. But what I remember most is that she was mean.

She had beautiful handwriting, and she wrote each letter just like they taught us in third grade, it perfectly matched the letters going around the top of the classroom. She even had a signature stamp; I had never seen one and that impressed me tremendously back then. She also had an electric pencil sharpener we weren't allowed to use. She gave tons of homework each week and would send a mini report card home every friday with a list of missing assignments that had to be signed. I think she liked the idea of her students being in trouble all weekend. Did I mention she was mean?

She had her fifth grade class picture blown up to about a 16 X 20 size with her little unhappy face circled. I don't know what the point was, maybe to convince us she wasn't the spawn of Satan, who knows. She frequently told us how she used to get her hands slapped with rulers for being left handed when she was young. She said that people then believed left handed people were evil; of course in her case that was true. I'm not sure why she shared that bit of personal trivia unless it was meant to be a vieled threat. Maybe it was her way of intimidating us with the possiblity of ruler abuse. Unfortunately for her I was used to being beat by another mean old lady (my Nana Esther), so she didn't really scare me. I just hated her.

My lack of fear was often my undoing, plus I felt the need to stick up for people that wouldn't or couldn't stick up for themselves. One day while we were practicing handwriting my Mrs. Hovagian came to check on our progress, this of course was not unusual. However, my classmate Gabe was doing his very best, Gabe did have atrocious hand writing but this time it looked pretty good. Mrs. Hovagian leans over me, looks at his paper and says, "When you try Gabriel, it is almost decent." He was crushed, you should have seen his face. So I made my reply, "My mom told me, if you don't have anything nice to say, you shouldn't say anything at all." She pulled me up by my arm and marched me out of the classroom, once we were in the hall she started marching me to the office while digging her talons into my arm. I told her to let me go, she didn't, so I karate chopped her arm to make her let me go. Mrs. Hovagian then called my mom and told her I struck her. My mom wasn't sure what to do so she called my Dad and I got the worst beating of my life that night. The only beating I ever got from my Dad, but let me tell you once was enough.

I couldn't sit down properly for a week, I sat in class with one leg up because I could only sit on half of one of my buttcheeks. I know she noticed, because usually she would have told me to sit right, but my guess is she knew I couldn't. She never said a word about it. Even with the perspective of adulthood, I think she enjoyed it. Lucky for her, that old Bitch never crossed a street in front of me! Can you hear my brakes screech?

Monday, May 4, 2009

My Uncles Chris & Pancho will get my back

For a street rumble I would roll out with my family, they are CRAZY!

My Uncles Chris & Pancho
They are not big men, but they kick ass like they are. They can take on greater size and numbers and come out on top, with a smile still on their faces.

My Cousin Tini
She is the female version of my uncle Chris, she becomes someone else entirely when she fights. If you met her you would never guess sweet Christine was a bad ass. But if you piss her off, you get to meet Tini!

Neto (I love this kid)
He knows no fear. People that fear nothing are the most dangerous; and he has some anger he needs to work out.

Sonny from "A Bronx Tale"
Men that can deliver an ass kicking don't need to talk about it. They just do it. "Now yous can't leave"

Monday, April 27, 2009

El Sur has good cheap eats

This is a small restaurant that serves good Mexican Food. The food is not like the fancy mexican restaurants, but more like what you would have at a Carne Asada (BBQ) at a family party. They serve rice and beans, and a tortillas with most meals, the drinks have free refills; even Horchata! They have these great 6 dollar specials with really big portions. The specials include, enchiladas, tacos, fish, steak, fajitas, etc. the kind of food your mom would cook you (if your Mexican of course) It is a great alternative to fast food, especially since the price is right!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Please get I wanna dance with somebody out of my head

I wanna dance with somebody by Whitney Houston

Back in the late eighties this was on every third video on MTV and VH1

I love you.. you love me by Barney

Have you ever had small children, and had to hear and watch a video every day?

I kissed girl by Katy Perry

This song annoys me, and the over played it.

When the rescue ship comes, I'll tell 'em:

give me a nice set of knives and a chicken to lay some eggs and a goat so I could have milk and cheese. Please bring me some supplies and tiolet paper and some seeds. If you happen to have it on you a solar powered ipod. Thanks!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Leave a party if you see You see people going to the bathroom in groups of three or more

These are my suggestions born of my own and my friends experiences, that said it describes almost every party I have ever been to. Be careful, and watch your drinks, do not accept drinks for strangers, and do not drink from drinks you have put down. Know that you are responsible for your own safety.

You see people going to the bathroom in groups of three or more
This is pretty sure indicator that large amounts of drugs are being used/sold.

A bright shining light keeps passing over the windows
This means the ghetto bird is out and the party is probably already surrounded by cops.

You hear fireworks going off
This is really bad sign, since fireworks are banned in most states, this generally means you are getting shot at, leave quickly!

You think you are having a highschool flashback.
This means the party has been overrun by underaged drinkers, and you should leave quickly to avoid arrest.

You were invited to a party but find only a few guys there
(for girls, or possibly boys depending on the situation)

This generally means your hosts have plans for you, that you may not like. Do Not Enter, Do Not Pass Go, Do Not Collect 200 Dollars. Run Away!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Family Trees

So lately I have been working on my family tree. This is a huge task, especially in Mexican families. I mean there are so many of us. For example both my Mom and Dad have 12 brothers and sisters. Some of whom they barely know. I have 40+ first cousins on my mother's side, and 30+ my father's side; I couldn't begin to guess at how many second and third cousins I have. Besides, who knows how those labels work. I can never figure out how to refer to my cousins kids in relation to my daughter, are they 3rd cousins, second cousins once removed. I don't know. I just know there are a lot of them.

The task becomes more and more complicated because so many of my parents siblings were born in the same year from multiple women, because my grandfather's were womanizers; yes both of them. Can you imagine trying to unravel that mess? The final difficulty of course is that so many of my ancestors weren't born here in the states so the standard tools do not apply. Every family has a record keeper though and I think I have found them in each side of my family. My maternal grandmother is very much alive and recently told me she has her family tree written down at home. And my dad's oldest brother seems to have at least the names of my grandparents parents and grandparents. So I begin my journey, I'll let you know how it goes. I may even tell a few family secrets. In a family this big you know there is plenty of scandal.

Friday, April 10, 2009

You can call me...

fist holds bleeding heart